- Dr. Richard Zoumalan
Submitted by: Gracie Roloff
Too much exposure to the heat of the sun will cause dark spots to our face. Some are inherited and others get it from putting different exfoliates and astringents on their faces. Being vain is not bad however if you do not know what are the chemicals of the product you are using, it may give you some skin irritation like dark spots. Our face is composed of delicate tissues that need maintenance and care. That is why most women try different beauty products that will help their face looking young and glowing, also acne free. In addition, a face that has many pimples and went through many astringent applications will peel its original skin and will get thinner each day. This is where dark spots evolve. Dark spots are sometimes scars left by acne or pimples on your face.
Dark spots can be removed by using different treatments. There are creams and ointments in cosmetics that can help you get rid of dark spots. Dermatologists have many products that can help fade your dark spots slowly. At home, you will also find alternatives if you do not want to spend much for ointments and creams. A squeezed aloe Vera will produce a gel that is helpful to your skin. Apply an amount of aloe Vera gel unto your dark spots and to other scars on your face. Use it like a creamer, you may leave it on your face for the whole night and washed it after you wake in the morning.
If you heard about hydrogen peroxide, this is also another best treatment to be applied. Get a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and mix it with 2 cups of water or the best ratio would be one is to ten. Mix it well and applied to your face. Just be careful not to allow any direct contact to the sun for it will worsen the condition of your face while applying this solution. Use this method for about a month, but do not exceed two months. This is only applicable for short-term application. Too much hydrogen peroxide on your skin is not advisable.
Rich people may go to dermatologist and have a facial surgery if the case is worst. Cosmetic surgery like this will help remove dark spots right away from your face and will give you a renewed skin. However, it is better for you to try the natural methods first to see the results and it will even help you save money.
You will find that a lot of the times, dark spots on the face can be genetic, rather than a mark that came out of the blue. Most of the time, people have found that when they consult with a plastic surgeon, they have many remedies, as well as procedures that can work for you. While everything online may not be true, youre going to find that if it sounds like its going to work, and doesnt seem dangerous, then give it a shot!
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